Timeframe of Resolution for a Criminal Case in Florida
Interviewer: What’s the longest a case can last?
Michael Golub: Sometimes, a couple of years. Usually, that’s like for a more serious type of situation. If it’s a very serious crime, I’ll try and drag it as long as possible but we’re at the state attorney and get them more reasonable and usually like the more serious crimes are usually that longer you can drag things out, the better deal you’re going to get at the end of the day because when a client is fresh and it’s just committed, they’re wanting to walk people up and make an example and then, you drag something up for two years, you set debt off and you can’t wear them out, they lost interest in it. It’s not that exciting for them anymore and they want to just get it off the docket.
Most Defense Attorneys Drag Out A Case In Order to Coerce A Favorable Solution From The State Attorney
So, most defense lawyers, they demolish and drag something out as long as the person’s not sitting in jail, the person’s not sitting in jail, the longer you can drag something out usually that’s the better position you’re going to be in. If it’s a year, the state’s going to be proving the case and it’s things get fair over the time. The witnesses move away and that’s always better to drag something and how you can drag it out.
Public Knowledge Of A Criminal Arrest In Tavares And Throughout Florida
Interviewer: Is their family or is their job going to find out about a situation that they’ve been involved with or is it something that they can kind of keep secret and just kind of deal with it?
Michael Golub: Not really anything you can do. I mean it’s all public record when somebody’s arrested. And then I mean it’s not really anyway to keep secret, I have a duty to keep things confidential but I can’t prevent. Something’s filed in the court house, it’s all public record and you can’t prevent any of that from getting out.
It Is Generally Inadvisable To Notify An Employer Regarding An Arrest
Interviewer: Let’s say if my job didn’t know about it, would you recommend me telling my job and would that be the best thing to do is to associate in a certain way?
Michael Golub: If you think your employer would understand, maybe; if they wouldn’t understand then maybe not. It all depends, it may be a situation where if you told them, they would have understood but they get mad at you because you didn’t tell them. A lot of times depending upon the crime, it depends on their policy. A lot of them just have kind of zero tolerance policies or they’ve got to let somebody go and they find out, so that’s something that I can’t really invite the person on that.
An Attorney Generally Does Not Mitigate Circumstances With Employers On Behalf Of His Clients
Interviewer: If my job does find out, could an attorney help me kind of they got ways to explain it to them?
Michael Golub: Yes. Usually, we don’t get involved in that process. I mean if a person wants me to talk to their attorney, if it’s a situation where it’s – if a person is accused to something and it’s defensible and there’s a lot of mitigation there and it’s not really as bad as it looks from the surface, I suppose I could explain that to somebody. Typically, I don’t get involved though in that.